Saturday, July 15, 2006

New Book on Grief now available!!!!

Are you or someone you know suffering from grief over the loss of a loved one?

This book addresses the issues and difficulties people commonly face in an easy to read format. It validates the feelings experienced by those grieving and provide hope that this experience can create positive change in the future.
Help yourself or someone you know by reading and sharing this information. Grief can be managed if you know what to expect.


“Throughout this book, the theme is that of not judging one’s reactions; of not trying “to do grief according to the book”; to stay open to the possibility that grief can eventually create change. Her book is open, practical and ultimately conveys a strong and positive message to anyone struggling with loss. In the past I have feared recommending books about loss, as they can in spite of their intent, leave people feeling worse. This book will leave people feeling confirmed in their experience and hopeful for their future.”
Dennis Walker, MSW, Therapist

Available through the author directly at The price is $20.00 (CAN) (no tax) plus postage and handling. PayPal accepted.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Jenn Jilks said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Jane. My book touches on grief, but it is more memoir, plus a user's guide to Ontario health care, while I was pre-grieving, or having anticipatory grief.

I want to prevent the stress caregiver's experience, while encouraging them to take full advantage of Ontario's health care system. Plus, we need to have Primary Care teams understand more about the issues around the impact of ill health on extended families.

I will look forward to reading your book.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Jean said...

I lost my husband suddenly ten years ago and I have since went back to university to obtain my degree in Sociology/Psychology. It has been a great and wonderful journey one which I am very grateful for. Following my husbands death and since going back to school I have realized how unprepared society is when it comes to assisting individuals with their grief. My goal is to work with transitions, grief and breavement hoping to assist others who will/are travelling this journey. This journey has proven interesting for both my sons and myself, as each of us has taken our own spiritual journey in dealing with this tragedy. The Boomers are the biggest group ever in history to go through the life span and will require tremendous guidance in this area. Thank you so much for your time and for writing your book.. I look forward to reading it.. Isn't it amazing how things have changed in 10 years. Jean Bota Red Deer, AB


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